(and "Butters" who desperately wanted outside with me today)
(Butters was a cat I rescued from the shelter and made him a permanent member of the family. Seriously. How cute is Butters?)
(and "Butters" who desperately wanted outside with me today)
I also met another foster Mom there who rescued two kittens. I think she may have rescued The World's Cutest Orange Kitten - EVER. The little guy was in a cage by himself - 5 weeks old - and looking like he could take on the world if we let him. Holy Moly. Loved that little sweetie!
We have a new foster Mom that requested a pregnant Mom to foster. This time of year, the pregnant Moms don't make it out of the shelter. There aren't enough foster homes. It wasn't easy to choose, since they were all desperate. But this little girl's cage was already marked for euthanasia this morning:When I took her out of the cage to check on her temperament, she started licking my face and purring. "Yesss....you're coming with me, little girl." Thanks to the foster Mom that stepped forward. This sweet calico came *this* close to dying this morning.
I have an URGENT PLEA for a little girl at the shelter with a really bad name: "Q-Tip"
I had looked forward to a quiet Monday of answering emails and catching up. I knew by 8 am it wasn't meant to be. Amazing how I can spend ALL DAY on cat-related emergencies and challenges. Thank heavens there were other volunteers who were near their email to help me juggle it all.
I'm hoping for a day tomorrow that involves rescuing Q-Tip.
Happy Friday....Yes, indeed - it's a Happy Friday :)
From Andi's Mom:
"This is Andi's new Mom! I want to say Andi is the best kitty ever! First of I am pretty sure it was not Andi that was going to bother a baby, she spends most the day sleeping in one of my kitchen chairs enjoying the ceiling fan and breeze off the lake coming in the window. She comes in bed with me but at night and has yet to smother me, I am fine! I think it was the masses of fleas Andi had that were problematic for the baby...Andi sends her apologies for having fleas to her old family. but let me assure you now she has no fleas and is wonderful...for ME! She feels much better now and says thanks to Beth for making sure she got out and to lisa for allowing her to hitch a ride!! Thanks from me!! If you have another like her I'd give them a home as well...she is amazing! A BEAUTIFUL cat, great companion to me and very well behaved and sweet as the day is long!!"
All rescues are special, but this one was extra special to me because this little black cat had NO chance at all until a lady from New York came forward and offered her a home sight unseen.
Three women came together for this one little cat and made it happen.
It was (and is) a beautiful thing.
From my Inbox...an email that made me grin from ear to ear:
"My friend V.B. (Name has been edited) passed along your blog address and I HAD to contact you to give you and update on Dibley. You rescued him, along with his four siblings and his Mother, Cotton, in April 2009 when he was just one day old. He is now one of the absolute loves of my life...along with my husband and my other cat Lucy, of course...He just turned a year old and now I can’t remember life without him....Anyway, I just wanted to thank you SO much for the work you do, and, of course, for rescuing my Dibley....We adore him, and we’re so grateful for the role you played in bringing him to us."
This email wouldn't be complete without a picture of Dibley:
If you're keeping track, we managed to rescue 21 little souls today.
I had car problems over the weekend and was stuck driving my son's "Weed Mobile" on the rescue. I honestly can't imagine what people thought of this middle-aged woman driving a car with a spoiler on the back and a marijuana leaf on the bumper. I could've rented a car, but I lost all pride when I thought of driving down the highway with 12+ cat carriers in the car. I played my son's rap crap on the CD to entertain the cats and pretended I was 19 again.
It was really a wonderful day. :)
She was abandoned by her owners at the shelter because someone in her family had a baby. I still can't believe that there are misinformed people out there that think you have to get rid of your cat when you have a baby. Poor Andi came into the shelter loaded with fleas. No wonder they didn't want her around their baby. Why take care of the fleas when dumping the cat works just the same? I'm furious just typing that!
Fortunately for Andi, a wonderful rescue volunteer has offered to make the long drive to Buffalo to connect with the adopter to give Andi a forever home.
Thought you might like to see Andi's rescue from the shelter today. I hadn't really planned on posting it here, but was just going to send it directly to Andi's new Mom.
Heck...we all needed a smile :)
Tonight? Andi is at the vet's office getting vaccinated and ready to meet her new Mom "Sandy" tomorrow. I think Andi's new Mom will be pleasantly surprised with her new "baby". That little black cat strutted into the vet's office this morning like she owned the place - licked the clinic cat's head, sniffed at a poodle and jumped right up on the counter.
Thank you Lisa for making the long trek tomorrow...
... and thank you Sandy for giving me something to smile about today.
Skippy is one of those awesome redheads. The family fell in love with him the moment they saw him. He's got his neuter appointment tomorrow and he'll be a bonafide house cat from now on!
My noon appointment was with a young woman who wanted to adopt a kitten. She already had two cats and wanted a little guy. By the time she arrived at the shelter today, she had decided that she could be of more help as a foster home, (She was right!) and happily took home 3 tiny kittens today - one little pair and a single baby. Thanks to her generosity, she free'd up two more cages.
I'm not sure when my emotional wall started to drop today. It sure wasn't voluntary. Maybe it was when I walked in and saw this little guy in the dog holding area. (You can hear me start to cry, as I'm desperately trying to put the emotional wall back up. It didn't work very well)
Sucks. Sucks. Sucks.
After speaking with a foster Mom last night, I also brought home 4 young kittens - about 4 weeks old to hang out in my washroom. There was no way I could put these little dudes in The Land of Dirty Underwear. We may never find them again!
Sorry about the talking in this video (again). I need to figure out how to either shut my yapper, or put music with this:
The Mom of the two grey kittens in this video was killed after she was hit by a car. At least they have a chance at a happier life than their Mom had. Isn't that what we all want for our children?
On the way home from the shelter, I heard an old Pink Floyd song, "Comfortably Numb" and realized that maybe I had been Comfortably Numb for too long. Maybe I need to FEEL once in a while in order to understand why I do this kind of painful volunteer work.
I'm ready to go back into "Comfortably Numb" mode...yep...any time now...let the numbness begin....
If I wasn't afraid of flying cat poop, I would've made one of those dramatic screeeching u-turns in the middle of the highway. I drove back to the shelter and picked up Franklin. He had been at the shelter for more than 2 months and I couldn't let our big black panther sit in that cage one more minute.
Two different rescues were involved in getting these cats out of the shelter yesterday. It was a wonderful, exhausting day.
I came home to David saying that our Esso gas bill was $800.00 last month. ("Sowwy! I love you, sweetie") At least I didn't get a ticket for doing a commando U-turn in the middle of the highway to get Franklin.We recently rescued a pretty little girl named Shiraz:Her foster Daddy sent me an awesome "after" picture of Shiraz:
What an incredible transformation...*happy sigh*
I think I'm going to try taking a video at the shelter tomorrow. The vet that took a bunch of Moms and kittens a few weeks ago ended up taking 40 Moms and kittens from ANOTHER shelter. I guess they needed help too, but I counted on her to come and help the cats from my shelter. Tomorrow is a euthanasia day, and it's left me feeling very sad and desperate for the faces I won't see tomorrow when I arrive.
I need some more "After" pictures of spoiled cats. I feel like they're few and far between right now.
Also rescued was little Gumbi and his new best friend "Jake":
I had to laugh because Jake and Gumbi had never met each other, but acted like they were best friends when I put them in the same carrier. Kittens!
Little Shiaz was also rescued today: It's a terrible picture of a beautiful little girl. She came into the shelter spayed and declawed. I can't imagine why anyone would want to part with this sweet fluffy girl.
As I type this post, another foster Mom is on her way out to the shelter to rescue "somebody". I'm not sure who she'll take yet. :) Also, a preapproved adopter is going to arrive this evening to take home "Andrew" another sweet tabby/BengalX guy.
I was very teary eyed as I packed up the Tortie Mom and her kittens for rescue. The video only showed part of this rescue. (One of these days I'll get proficient at taking videos to really show a rescue!) I received so many emails of support to rescue this little family. Even when people can't physically help the cats, it's really reassuring to receive these kind of emails. It's what keeps me going.
That little Tortie Mom didn't know how many people were pulling for her. But I did. Thank you all for caring the way you have.
I had a huge smile today when I received some "After" pictures of the little 3 week old guys I rescued last night. To refresh your memory, here's the Before picture:
Here's the picture after a mini-bath, bottle, and lots of love:
These guys look like they LOVE to party! They're 12 weeks old and I'm guessing that as I type this post, haven't stopped running at Tim's place. :)
I couldn't help but notice this sad looking little pair when I came in tonight:
The animal control officer wanted to euthanize them right away because they didn't have a Mom and were only 3 weeks old. I called one of our awesome foster homes while I was still at the shelter. Fortunately, this foster Mom had called me just yesterday and told me she was ready to foster some orphans. Yeee-hah! I drove them into the city tonight and they're being loved, and fed tonight. (Thank you Lisa for taking them!)
I couldn't resist taking the Tortie Mom and putting two of her babies with her. She was so happy!!!! The babies knew who she was right away and she started feverishly grooming them. I asked Kim to rotate the other two babies tomorrow so they can all have some time with Mom.
SO MANY sweet nursing Moms and the shelter right now. :(
It took me 2 hours to get to the shelter tonight in torrential rain and rush hour. I stopped at a frickin' Taco Bell (*puke*) to grab something in the drive-thru, bit into the taco, grease poured down my new shirt. I'm sure I'll have a big zit on my chin from the grease in the morning.
But it was worth it. Four more cats got out tonight and I couldn't be happier.
Dickens is such a nice young boy. He needs to get out of that shelter - fast. It would be a horrific thing if he was euthanized after spending 3 months in a cage.
I need a name for my little Tabby girl. Clementine? Camille? For now, she's just "the baby". What a sweet, feminine little face!
My name is "Beth"....but for today, my name is W-I-M-P. I don't think David will notice another tabby running around, will he?