Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One Person Doing One Thing...

From My Inbox this morning - posted with permission:

"Hi Beth,

I'm not sure how I stumbled across your blog, "House of the Discarded". I live in NJ, so am nowhere near Canada. But, I have to tell you it's been a blessing in disguise. I spent MANY hours one night looking at your blog. each story tearing at my heart strings.

I recently put down a deposit on a kitten with a breeder. But, because of your blog, I headed to our local shelter to rescue a cat that is past it's "desireable" kitten age and needs help. I ended up taking home a long haired 7 year old black and white girl who was dumped in a carrier outside of the shelter over the summer on one of the hottest days we had. To make it more appalling, the shelter was open. After 6 years together, her "owner" couldn't give her the respect and dignity to walk her into the shelter and surrender her Instead, they left a long haired cat COVERED in matts, and so badly matted and filthy by her behind that the shelter said hadn't been tended to in months. Oh, and a note with her name (it's been changed to symbolize her new life) and age and an empyy, cage with not even a blanket to rest on.

I also took home two seniors. this was unplanned. 20 years old. their owner died, and the owners daughter who grew up with these cats couldn't be bothered with them. brought them to a shelter because she couldn't bring herself to euthanize them at the vet. and figured if the decision was out of her hands (ie, they not get adopted) then she had at least "tried" to help them because she dumped them at a shelter where they had a chance to be adopted. So today, they sit in my spare room warm, fed, safe, and loved. That's where they will stay until they are ready to cross the bridge.

Thank you Beth for everything you have done and are doing."

My Reply:

"Dear J***,

 I must've read your email 5 times before responding. I was sitting here this morning feeling a little sorry for myself - two sick cats in the program, plus working on the rescue's bookkeeping made for a very pathetic little day.

 Thank you for reminding me why I do this important work. I can't tell you how much it meant to me that you went to the shelter to adopt. You must've been quite a hero to the staff to take home the 20 year old pair! What a victory for them!!

 May I have permission to post your email in my blog? I won't use your name. It would mean a lot.

 Thank you again for writing. NJ isn't that far away, and it's nice to hear from a fellow American! I think I should print your email and keep it nearby when I'm feeling sorry for myself. Thank you again for taking the time and loving those kitties....(would love to see pictures!)"


Next time you think that you're not making a difference...remember - you never know whose life you're changing. 


Kea said...

Oh, Beth, I'm crying reading this...How fantastic. From intending to buy a kitten to adopting three less (un?) adoptable cats. Amazing. Fantastic. My heart is filled with joy and gratitude reading this, that your blog made such an impact on her.

Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

That is just fantastic ... any time we can educate just one person, it is a triumph in itself. Way to go Beth!

Lisa said...

This is wonderful! How do we get more people to read your blog?!

Faith J. said...

Dear J***,

You are my hero. An absolute inspiration. Thank you for your kindness and compassion.

selkiem said...

What an absolute incredible LADY and Beth, you are truly an inspiration to many of us! Such a happy note to read on this bleak day.

hmacross said...

"They" say you can't change the world - well, Beth, not only do you change the world for the kitties you directly rescue, you have changed the world for 3 cats who would likely have fared much worse in the shelter if someone hadn't read your blog. Bless you and the work you do.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

I tell people all the time, even if you just repost an animal in need you are helping! The more that see that pet the more help it can receive. Now your blog has turned one woman into a rescuer (hey, even if you only take in one cat that's one cat you rescued) and who knows how many people she will touch.

House of the Discarded said...

I must tell you all that this "lady" is actually a WONDERFUL MAN!!! :) :)


Debbie said...

Yea, to that special MAN!!!!
Rescurers are all types of people
Good for him!

Deb said...

You are doing what you are meant to do, Beth. Please don't ever stop. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

AFSocksScylla said...

Sounds like you made a big impact on four lives. We loves that the two 20 year old seniors found a home. A pox on the human that dumped them.

Devon said...

Amazing! Good for you J! Not only is it great that you took someone who needed love, you've made those two seniors lives complete! Now they will live out the rest of their lives with dignity, care, and together.

Anonymous said...

If you believe in such things, I'm certain there is a very special place in the afterlife for people like you, J**** (and Beth). If you don't believe in such things, there most definitely is a very special place in my heart for you. You did A Very Good Thing. (And as someone who spent 10 years in the online personals biz, I'll also say that if you're single, putting this story in your ad will take care of it!)


Anonymous said...

Love this! Three words for you that can describe this action

Caroline said...

Wow Beth, how great is that? Amazing who you're saving with your blog and all your hard work. Best wishes to your sick kitties!

Linda said...

Way to go J!! How wonderful you are. See the impact you have Beth. You are helping cats everywhere.
ps I am picking up a pregnant girl tomorrow to foster from my local OSPCA. She too has you to thank for getting me into fostering

andrea said...

Lovely - so glad she reached out to let you know :)

you are so right - we never know the impact of what we do!

Anonymous said...

What an uplifting story! There must be so many others our there who would choose adopting over purchasing if they just knew. Please ask that wonderful man from New Jersey to share some pictures with us.