I had heard of an Animal Control in the rural area of Woodstock over the past few weeks. I haven't paid much attention, because I concentrate on another high volume shelter. But I couldn't ignore what I heard and decided to see for myself.
Some may think I'm being dramatic, and I'll try to be as honest with my descriptions as I can. The pictures that follow are not my pictures. Believe me - they don't show all of it.

There are two employees that rotate shifts and are on call 24 hours per day. They do what they can. It can't be an easy job.
The carriers are stacked on metal shelves and are cleaned every 2 or 3 days. They are filthy and at 1 pm today, nobody had been fed yet or had water. Again - the employees do what they can. If there's an emergency and they have to leave, the cats don't get fed.
There are flies everywhere. My clothes smell bad after being there for 30 minutes. These cats don't have names or cage cards. I've never felt such intense hopelessness and desperation. (From both me and the cats)

I'm begging for help for the remaining four cats. I've never done that, have I? Honestly, I don't think I've ever felt so desperate before.

Never fear. I haven't forgotten about the other shelter where I rescue. Somehow that place seems like a Four Seasons compared to what I saw today.
If you can help one or more of the 4 remaining cats, please email me right away. Did I mention that I'm begging?
Holy Cow, I didn't think it could get any worse but it obviously does! The mayor of Woodstock obviously needs to funnel some funds their way. I'm glad you helped them Beth. How about recruiting some volunteers over craigslist for them?? I volunteer at a shelter that has no paid staff and 3 volunteers every morning to clean cages and feed. They need the same. Also maybe you could set up a paypal account for them that can purchase bigger cages.
Good thinking Caroline! I think once I settle down a bit, I'll be able to be more functional and helpful.
Right now, I'm in "Frantic mode".
Holy moly who knew this was out there and in Woodstock of all places! Damn when will it ever end??
ugh - sick, I am just sick.
Things don't have to be this way if people would just take RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ANIMALS.
I know, easier yelled than done ;(
*praying people pull through*
Toronto humane?
THS is only taking dogs.
Maybe I've been watching too much "Last Chance Highway" on Animal Planet.... would it be possible to transport them some where?
A Cat's Tale: I'd love it...but where?
Beth my offer still stands when it comes to web stuff.
((HUGS)) Thank you, Brandon!
Does anyone have a Facebook page to post this info?
Get the info out to a large number of folks fast!
I contacted Hurricane Pet Rescue and Bari duBois, who are my only contacts in pet rescue. I am in hopes they have contacts who could help save these four remaining babies.
I did post it on the Cat Blogosphere tonight and tomorrow, hopefully it will help, but we are not a rescue organization. Fingers and paws crossed that someone will read it and help.
Love & Purrs,
ML (Mary Lynn) and Kitties
pee ess: Like most of you, all of my six cats are rescues from shelters and former ferals. I hate to see cats treated like this. If there is anything I can do, let me know.
Hey Mary Lynn:
Yes, I'm covered on Facebook!
Thank you for posting on the Cat Blogosphere tonight. I really appreciate that. We had some great responses last time I put out an urgent plea for a cat.
Thank you soooo very much!
Not sure we are in time to help any, but you might want to contact Space Paws. They have a lot of readers. Email at hubblespacepaws AT gmail DOT com.
Maybe we're missing something, but is there some reason you can't just go back and get those last four kitties you missed? Once they're safe for the night you can start planning for longer term.
Lee County: Thank you for the referral on Space Paws!
You're not missing anything...I see why you're asking that question. As a foster based rescue, we HAVE TO have space for the cats we rescue, otherwise they can't be rescued.
It's really dangerous financially and emotionally to rescue cats when you don't have the space to put them. In the meantime, we're dealing with cats being returned, problems, blah blah blah....
It's always a juggling act.
Is this a kennel that the Animal Control has? Is this where the animals go after they are picked up by AC? Does the town people ever get to see this place? Perhaps the town council needs to take a walk through it. Someone should take pictures and put it on the local paper front page. I think that might help. Hugs, Deb
Deb: Yes and Yes. This was the first time I've seen it, so am trying to get all the information. It's hard to believe anybody would ever leave their cat there after seeing it. I know that AC picks up the cats and brings them there.
Beth, me again. Sorry, I am just fuming here. Tell me why the cats are kept there? If they are waiting to adopt them out who would know they are there? They couldn't advertise this place or have the public walk through to pick out a cat. People would be outraged. How many days do these cats have to live like this before they are euthanized? Oh, I'm sorry I am asking so many questions but I just don't get this. Deb
Deb: That's the only place they have for these cats. I know - it seems impossible, doesn't it? Believe it or not, you CAN go there to adopt a cat. There's no adoption fee and nobody screens you. Anybody can just walk in and adopt a cat. But nobody comes.
The cats have to live like this for FIVE or more days before they're killed.
ML of the CB forwarded your message on. Tweeted it in hope.... Emailed a rescuer but he doesn't know anyone in your area. So wish those kitties could be rescued in time.
If a donation would help you to help them please send me your address. I wish I lived closer. Perhaps the 4 left could be boarded somewhere until they could be placed in a foster home. Money would help in that case. Deb
I've posted the message on Moki's Facebook page as well...Has anyone tried Catster?
Hmmm...that last message disappeared...Anway as I was saying, I have the message up on Moki's FaceBook account...
Has anyone tried Catster?
Just posted a plea on Catster's Rescue, Adoption & Happy Endings forum. No promises, but worth a shot. Where, exactly (or at least approximately) are you?
FWIW, anyone on Catster can access this thread at http://www.catster.com/forums/Shelters_Rescue_and_Fostering/thread/683625
"Last Chance Highway" transports dogs to the northeast (NewYork, N. H.,Vt, etc.) Too bad there wasn't something like that going from your area to there. The show makes it seem like there are a lot of potential adopters in that area. And they work with dogs... don't know if there would be a lot of good homes for cats. It's a long shot for another day, I fear.
Have you posted on Craigslist?
BTW, I went to Toronto Cat Rescue to make a donation and could not find Paypal. And the Help Canada said the link wasn't working or something.
Is there any way to make donations?
Where can we make donations? I can't find Paypal on your blog or website.
The HelpCanada link isn't working.
I've posted this on my FB as well. I hope these cats make it out. I am utterly saddened by the conditions they have to live in. This is deplorable. How can we let this happen? :(
those poor kitties! I hope someone can help out.
Mary Lynn: I clicked on the Canada Helps link and it worked fine. Maybe it was just a problem within Canada Helps for a moment.
Thank you VERY VERY much. As you can imagine, this will end up being a costly rescue :)
Beth, really, get in contact with Peter Askin via Facebook. He does amazing work just "getting the word out". That's all he does all day, post and work tirelessly (like yourself =)!) to help these cats. He has TONS of followers and TONS of contacts/resources. It is possible if you message him and tell him who you are and what you do that he can guide you to get you in with his group and get a lot of attention on these kitties. I am just an adopter, not in rescue per se so I don't know that much about it, but I follow it b/c it breaks my heart to see them suffering and I ALWAYS ADOPT when ready for a new baby for our home. And I ALWAYS ALWAYS tell people/educate on adoption/rescue.
Really, Peter is amazing in that he reaches so many. I met him through the Petfinder boards.
Posting on facebook as well. Do they need volunteers? I am down that way often. Even just one day a week to give the TWO staff a day off? Can anyone just put these kitties in a spare room for now?
I feel awful. I need my own house, then I can use a spare room for such occasions...
WHY do cats have it SOOOO bad? I know dogs don't always have it easy either but why does it always seem that everyone SH*^S on cats?
It really frustrates me, screaming to the choir is right.
Where is animal control in Woodstock? I am honestly there almost every weekend.
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