I rescued the little black cat in the video. She's safe and waiting for her spay surgery. She had 3 days worth of poop in her litterbox and no food or water as noted in the video.
The next video I took is about the following two cats:
These two were surrendered to the shelter at 8 years old age. They're siblings and their Mom went into a nursing home. The family didn't want them. According to the staff, "everybody gets a towel when they first arrive, but it doesn't last long." The little orange male was making (what I can only describe as ) sobbing noises in the corner. I've never heard a cat make this sound before. My friend who was with me heard it too. It broke my heart:
This little pair was so dear and they've had lost everything. I really want to help them so badly. They're already spayed and neutered. They just need a home.
The vet comes to euthanize whenever requested. It makes me nervous that there are not predictable times, because I don't know how long any one cat has left.
So there you go. It feels like somebody has punched me in the stomach a few times. But I hope the videos you've watched will do some good for the cats who are surviving in it.
This is utterly heartbreaking. I can see why it's so painful to go there. But if you didn't, none of them would have any hope. I'm glad the black kitty got out. I wish the best for the rest of them.
Beth, Are the staff receptive to you coming and being there ? What is their reaction ?
The staff seem very happy that I'm rescuing the cats.
She (there's only one woman there) wasn't too thrilled about the camera today. I can understand that.
Beth, my offer to foster 1-2 young boycats still stands, and I'm happy to "waystation" emergencies in my office. Keep me in mind as needed.
Beth, can we post this on Peter's page? He has so many connections you just never know.
You're very welcome to post this on Peter's page! I'm hopeful we can get some help for these cats. There aren't many there right now, but that seems to change from day to day.
Thank you so much!
Shared on Facebook.
I hope more can be saved from that dreadful place (just how much work is filling a few water dishes?) I know you will do your best and more.
Make sure you look after yourself during this too Beth.
Very sad conditions. Tweeted and FB for what little help that might be. Hate to see these kitties not be rescued.
Beth, I posted it on Peter's wall. He will probably repost. Hopefully, this will help too.
Sorry to say, that's not even the worse shelter I've ever seen...close, but not the worst. I posted this to Facebook hoping someone will see the brother and sister and give them a home.~Donna
Hi. We posted that first video on our own blog. Doubt many people will see it there who haven't already seen it here, but we got to try to do something. We hope you're OK with that. (if not, just let us know, we'll take it down)
Is there some reason why you haven't posted the names (address, height, weight, and everything else) of the officials in charge of whatever town or county is in charge of this shelter? It is hard to start a letter-writing campaign without any place to send the cards, letters, emails, and the like. We still have only a rough idea where this place even is.
Scylla made sobbing noises after Charybdis died. It is a heartbreaking sound.
We will try to get the word out, we wishes there was more we could do to help these cats.
I wish these awful places could be blocked from calling themselves "shelters". A shelter should be a place of safety, not a place of despair and killing.
We will purr hard. We are so far away to help these babies and our heart breaks for them.
Cory: Maybe that's my fault for calling them a shelter. They call themselves "Animal Control", and that's what they're doing - "controlling the animals".
Get those 2 senior cats out of there. If you can get them into the U.S., I believe I have a place for them. Email me if you need to at s.g.knight@att.net.
Ge those 2 senior cats out of there. If you can get them into the U.S., I believe I can find a place for them here in California. Email me at s.g.knight@att.net
Those sweet innocent babies! i have heard a cat sob before... it is heart breaking to hear.
my cat Jason used to sob like that when his people would argue and fight. He would go into another room and cry. Well it stopped the argument.
I hope that Sally in California can help.
Katie Kat
Oh I wish could take these poor 2 souls I had a Siamese cat that would sob when people were arguing around him please Beth get those 2 out of there!!!!!
My heart is breaking for those 2 sweeties!! I can't take them myself but if there's any way I can help out, let me know!!!
What happened to the little tabby and white guy in the first picture (after the video)? Did you get him out?
Anonymous: He's still waiting rescue. I'm not sure if he made it or not.
I have the little orange cat now (thank you, Beth) and he has a wonderful home with two fuzzy friends to keep him company. He got the happy ending.
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