Emily Grace is still at the shelter. Her "shelter cold" is much better and she's starting to eat a little bit. Last time I was at the shelter, she looked terribly depressed. This time, she was angry. When I picked her up and kissed her, she took a benign swipe at me. I can't blame her - it was very human to go through the stages of loss: Depression and now anger. Gosh, I have to get her out of there before she bites someone and THEN they'll euthanize her.
I have a new favourite that I'm trying to help. I almost hate to post his picture until I know Emily Grace is safe. I hate to detract from her plight. But this guy is pretty special:
Meet "Clarence Carter"! He's 5 months old of SWEET, SWEET, SWEET! Clarence is also blind. We think he sees shadows, but that's about it. He's a very healthy looking guy that wrapped his paws around my neck and licked my face. I'm in love. I think Clarence would do best in a home where he wouldn't have to travel too far to the litterbox. (He's using his litterbox at the shelter like a champ) Look at that pink nose! I must've kissed that pink nose a 100 times while I was there.
On a very sad note: We lost some kittens to Distemper this week. I hate when Distemper is in the shelter. Even once it's gone, I feel paranoid for quite a while. I hate to rescue anybody that hasn't been vaccinated.
I want to thank the foster parents who loved their kittens until the moment they went to the Rainbow Bridge. I hate that you got hurt. God, I really hate that you got hurt. Thank you to the rescues who continue to rescue despite the vet bills and the tears. It takes courage to continue on....and we know some rescues just don't have the balls courage to do it. They turn their back on the shelter and pretend like it doesn't exist.
But it does exist.