Thursday, December 02, 2010

Meeting and Greeting

I love meeting new people!  I had been working with Brandon over the past 6 years on several websites and had never met him.  He unselfishly donates his time to the cats and is designing the Forever Home Cat Rescue website for me.  FINALLY....I met him today and was able to add lots of kisses to Brandon's own two spoiled cats.  Children of the world should have half as many toys as Brandon's cats!  It's so nice to see cats that are loved like these two.  Ahh...if they could ALL be loved like that. 

My new website officially has a "Coming Soon" on it:  Forever Home Cat Rescue 

I had a "date" this afternoon to meet a single man in his early 40's looking to adopt a cat.  He didn't care what the cat looked like - he just wanted to rescue somebody that needed him.  I felt like a seasoned Cat Yenta.  But there was no doubt when Dan saw "Nadia" he wanted her and the feeling was mutual.  Nadia had been at the shelter the longest.  She was exhibiting signs of distress and depression.  Adoption couldn't have come at a better time for Nadia.
I called Dan this evening to see how Nadia was doing and I heard him chuckle.  He said, "Beth, you'd never know that Nadia didn't live here her whole life.  She's asleep in my lap right now.  The only time she's left my side was to use her litterbox.  She's the perfect cat for me!"   (Insert happy dance!)

I also rescued little "Paisley" the firecracker tabby baby I featured yesterday.  (Pictures coming tomorrow)  She's quite a little character and I'm wondering if the name "Paisley" is too prissy for this goofy girl. 

It's almost 8 pm and I'm exhausted.  I didn't realize how much time I had spent in the car until I cleaned out 3 Tim Horton's empty coffee cups, an empty muffin wrapper, an empty McDonald's Filet O'Fish box and an warm Diet Coke.  I need some nutrition...badly.  Maybe tomorrow...(or not)


Anonymous said...

Aww that's great news. She is the nicest cat ever. I love her.

Mycatsayshi said...

I'm so happy for little Nadia and Dan! What a heartwarming story!

Seems like things are coming together Beth. You do good work. :)

joanna and ellie

Unknown said...

Awe, Nadia looks like she certainly deserved to be snuggled in someones lap!

Caroline said...

Is Dan single?? lol Yay for Paisley!