I picked up my little "Patty" from the vets this afternoon after a not-so-perfect romantic few days with David.
"Adorable" barely covers how CUTE she is. Nobody could ever mistake that feminine little face as a boy.
I don't know why I always expect so much when David and I go away for a few days. We no sooner arrived at our hotel than David received something called a "Priority One" emergency at work. He spent the majority of the time on the phone with conference calls and speaking in a geek language that I don't understand.
Perhaps I need to be more grateful that I'm married to someone that cares about earning a living to make wonderful things possible for me and the family. I really should be more flexible and understanding.
I came home to some good news that a pair of siblings were adopted that I had rescued several months earlier. You might remember these two - they were called "kittens X" at the shelter:

When I called the family to congratulate them, I accidently spilled the beans to the young daughters (who had just arrived home) that their foster kittens had been adopted. *ARGH*
Fortunately, I had just the thing for two little girls who missed their foster kittens! David and I scrambled back in the car with sweet little Patty. I think Patty will LOVE being with this family. The girls are gentle and kind. I can't think of a better way of getting over loss of having your foster kittens adopted than another foster kitten! :)
Soooo....in the blink of an eye....she's gone. :) Patty was only at my house for 2 hours - not even long enough to use the litterbox.
Unfortunately, there's no shortage of cats at the shelter who need me. I won't bother to put the litterbox away.
Fortunately, I had just the thing for two little girls who missed their foster kittens! David and I scrambled back in the car with sweet little Patty. I think Patty will LOVE being with this family. The girls are gentle and kind. I can't think of a better way of getting over loss of having your foster kittens adopted than another foster kitten! :)
Soooo....in the blink of an eye....she's gone. :) Patty was only at my house for 2 hours - not even long enough to use the litterbox.
Unfortunately, there's no shortage of cats at the shelter who need me. I won't bother to put the litterbox away.
I was completely in love with "kittens x" back when I first saw them on Kim's site! I'm so thrilled they were adopted to a home together. Great news! I'm sure Patty will be very happy in her new foster home. Things have a way of working out!
Have you seen Doodle on the site? He's so cute! If I wasn't taking another pregnant mom on Tuesday I'd be bringing him home in a second!!
OOOh, Patty is a little darling...even with one beautiful big eye. I'm sure she'll be well cared for. So glad she was rescued & now 3 kittens are adopted.
And yes, those calls from the office will dampen anyone's romantic getaway. Been there.
Justine: Ooooo! I've already had two phone calls about Doodle. Don't worry - he'll be rescued!
Hi Beth, Great turn around on the kittens! A man working is better than no man at all! Trust me!
Yay Falon and Davey have been adopted!! I was the one who named them after my cousins! Did they get put into a Petsmart? How did the daughters not know they had been adopted?
Space for another cat in your house, you say? I think it's time Miriam or Cute Black Guy's mom got out of there, don't you? :)
What about Eyore? She's so beautiful ...
Or Jessie?
There's no end, and the season hasn't even started yet.
I know we don't get a say, but what about Wedgie? He just looks like he could use a lot of help.
Anonymous: Wedgie sure is a pitiful looking guy :(
Patty is so beautiful, it is such a pity she lost her eye. However, I'm sure she will have a chance at a wonderful life now thanks to you Beth.
Hey Beth, you talked about your neighbors lately..any news ???
Sorry it was a less than perfect holiday, Beth. I bet those "priority" phone calls are *annoying!!!!* But you really *are* lucky to be with someone who loves you so much they let you pursue your passion and supports you financially through it all :). I sometimes think that when I see your blog...she is so lucky to be with someone who must be such a good guy who appreciates her :). Hugs to you, and thank you for being such a fabulous person yourself.
Doodle looks like he would be a fast turn around.
Anonymous: Not a peep from the Squirrel-Killing-Animal-Hating Neighbours! (Although I've probably just jinxed it!)
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