Friday, October 14, 2011

An Adoption Event and A Holiday

My phones have been ringing off the hook today with questions regarding our big adoption event at Pet-Valu tomorrow!  I'm hoping that this is a sign for a successful day!   I was only gone for an hour today and came home to NINE adoption calls pertaining to this event.  One person was disappointed the cats weren't free, so that may hamper some adoptions tomorrow. 

Regardless - I doubt we'll be bored! 

I'm leaving on Sunday for a trip to Seattle to visit my parents for a few days.  My daughter from Southern California is flying up at the same time, so we should have a great time.  It's always stressful leaving my Canadian family, but I think everything is well in hand.  I gave David instructions on pilling my little "Newman" with her seizure medication.  It's been a while since he's had to do that, and he needed a refresher course.  Newman was unimpressed with his technique. 

The lady that adopted my Gabby and Ramone is picking them up on Tuesday while I'm gone.  I'm sort of relieved that I won't have to say goodbye to them.  Fortunately, she only lives about a kilometer away, so there might be some opportunities for updates.  Sadly, I had to warn the adopter to "please forgive the condition of my home on Tuesday evening with 3 men living in it while I'm gone."  I suspect it'll smell like cat pee, B.O., and rotten cat food from cans left in the garbage too long.  Nobody seems to take out the garbage but me......UGH....don't get me started.

There's so many things I need to do before I go.  One of the cats barfed on my white bathroom rug. (naturally.)  On top of everything else, I have to wash the rug along with a zillion loads of laundry.   I'm sure if I left it, the barf would be there when I came back. 

"Dear God, please don't let anybody come to my house while I'm gone."

(I'm so excited for tomorrow's event!  I'll try to post the numbers before I leave on my trip.) 


Wednesday said...

Best wishes for your adoption event! I hope it is an enormous success. Have a great trip, too.

Melissa W. said...

So excited. Can't wait to promote the best rescue around.

Have a worry free vacation... and try not to worry too much! :)