Thursday, March 17, 2011

From The Maternity Ward

Holy Guacamole! (Does anybody say that anymore?)  It's been an awesome couple days for rescues and adoptions.  I've spent the better part of yesterday helping coordinate the rescue of 5 cats for a local Humane Society.  Thanks to a wonderful volunteer driver and the humane society, we were able to rescue all 5 of these cats. 

I think I surprise people when they find out that I'm helping other rescues.  Why wouldn't I?  It's not about me - it's about the cats.  I won't take time away from my own rescue, but if I'm at the shelter and I'm available, why wouldn't I help?   I think rescues get mucked up in politics and forget about the cats sometimes. 

Today, a new foster Mom (Karen) went to the shelter to rescue a pregnant Mom cat:
By the time we arrived, she was in the middle of delivering her 2nd kitten...we looked on in awe as nature took it's course despite the difficult circumstances.  Nobody should have to give birth on a sheet of newspaper - poor baby.  By the time we loaded up the other cats, the 3rd kitten was born.  With the help of a kind shelter staff member, we loaded up Mom in a large carrier and her babies and headed down the highway.  We could hear tiny little mew..mew and wondered if more had been born in the car!  My maternal instincts were in full force and I suddenly had the urge to do LaMaze.  Breeeeathe.....

 Number 4 kitten was born safely at Karen's house, and I think Karen is already in love with the little family.

Our adoptions are going really well (hope I didn't jinx it), and was awestruck when I found the following "Before" picture of "Sawyer" in my pictures folder:
...and his amazing transformation:

Sawyer is going to his Forever Home tonight.  The couple sound fabulous!  They're talking about adopting a 2nd cat, and I'm hoping that they're happy with the adoption process and will come back to me when they're ready for cat #2. 

I think I'll go to bed tonight and feel like I've really accomplished something today.  I hope the people that helped me feel the same way. 


Robin Sarafinchan said...

I'm so jealous of that couple. If we didn't have 6 already we would have adopted Sawyer, my niece was fostering him and he is a sweetie. Thank you Beth, for saving these cats who would have died otherwise. You should go to bed EVERY NIGHT feeling great about what you have accomplished.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh boy, babies...I have been setting up the foster rooms, checking supplies, know, getting ready for the little families that will be here soon.~Donna

Anonymous said...

Sawyer is gorgeous! And good work, Beth. I'm so happy momcat and her babies are in a warm, safe place without metal walls and newspaper.

Renee (and the motley crew)

Unknown said...

You are right Beth....too many rescues get hung up in politics and forget that is should be about whatever is in the best interest of the animal so GO YOU!

Laurie said...

yay for the kittens! I can't wait for my bundle to arrive. I saw Sawyer's picture on the site and was in love with that boy, so happy for him :)

Kea said...

Sawyer is stunning. Can't imagine someone giving him up. I'm so glad he's going to have a wonderful forever home, and perhaps even a feline companion at some point.

Lots of good vibes to the new mom cat and her babies! Well done!

Devon said...

Jeffrey says "hurray Sawyer!" He won't stay off the keyboard long enough for me to say much else!

Deb said...

You are right about the politics Beth, saw it everywhere I volunteered for the last 20 years. Sawyer is a gorgeous boy. They are lucky to have him. Sleep deserve it. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

Kitty McCormack said...

Oh that is so good to hear that Mummy Cat and kittens are all well and that Swayer is looking great and has found a new home. Happy St Catrick's Day!

Xanthe and Nishiko xxx

Caroline said...

Wow poor Momma being imprisoned at the AC and then being in labour during her ambulance ride to her new foster mom. Great job Beth and new foster Mom! New foster Mom: enjoy the next 3 weeks while the Momma takes care of her babies cause once their eyes open it's a daycare!