Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sobering Up

All the cats and kittens in the following video died this morning due to overcrowding at the shelter. It's a small snippet of the number that actually died - this was just one room within the shelter.

I took this video yesterday while I was rescuing Andi. I was trying so hard to show this blissful moment of Andi being rescued, while the cats around her were sentenced to death. It was surreal and painful. I never really intended to post this, but have been encouraged by friends and friends in rescue to show it here.

If there's ever a video to show to people who don't spay or neuter their pets...this might be the one.

From one friend in rescue: "Post it... I just got off the phone with someone who wanted me to take kittens. She let her cat out on purpose because she thought it would be a good experience for her kids. Now she is having trouble placing the result of this experiment."

I hope I never post another video like this.


Caroline said...

Sorry Beth but I think I'll pass on watching the video, you're mostly preaching to the choir here! Too bad we couldn't post it on a Pet store's website! Maybe you should post it on kijiji which has many commercial animal sales. Chin up!

House of the Discarded said...

Caroline: It doesn't offend me in the least bit!

Tomorrow, I'll post some happier stuff :)

Anonymous said...

My heart is broken!! I have 4 "feral" kittens in my bathroom right now and they attack me as soon as I walk in the room......with love and affection!! It took a day of love to do that!! But the ones at the shelter don't get that chance. I'll let you know as soon as I have more space.........

A Cat's Tale said...

Rescue reality sucks doesn't it?

I bet that most of these poor babies are just scared and would turn into loving spoiled house cats if only given the chance. But reality is there aren't enough homes, foster or adoptive, to save them.

Hard video to make, hard to watch, but awareness of this is so important.

Kim said...

I thought I was strong enough to watch this; two cats into it, I realized I'm not. Those poor souls, sentenced to death for no reason but being in the wrong lifetime at the wrong time. I know a person or two I'd love to show this video to in hopes they'd never breed kittens again.

Such sorrow. My heart bleeds.

tally oh said...

Thanks for posting this. It's really good for people, I think, to see the reality of the situation.

It even makes me feel good in a way, it really reminds me how important fostering is :).

HomeToMany said...

I don't think I took a breath during that whole video. My heart pounded thinking about those kitties not being here anymore. It looked as if some of those kitties had never been or rarely ever been touched, those little faces will haunt me tonight. Oh lord, I hate people for not spaying and neutering, too bad WE are the ones that always have to look into the eyes of their mistakes.


Amanda said...

Wow...if that isn't a wake up call, I don't know what is. Yes, it is very hard to watch that type of video, but people really need to see it and the message that comes along with it. Seriously? If EVERYONE spayed and neutered their pet, we wouldn't have this problem. It's just heartbreaking...
One quick question...not sure if I want to know the answer, but I'll go ahead and ask...Did that little grey and white kitten who wasn't marked make it?? I know you said she wasn't marked but at the top of your blog entry you mentioned all the cats and kittens in the video died. I wanted to scoop her up she was so adorable. Hopefully someone can rescue her...

Cat said...

Poor little guys just wild and scared. I know you do so much Beth, but geez don't you wish people would make it a bit easier! I seriously can't believe there are people out there who don't spay and neuter their animals. WTF?!

Who is the idiot that thought that having kittens would be a good experience for her kids. What about responsible pet ownership, wouldn't that be a good lesson to start with?

Wow, sometimes your blog gets me all riled up - sorry :-)

House of the Discarded said...

Amanda: That was "Murphy", and he made it! Thank you for pointing that out :) He's a sweetie.

Crystal said...

Sooooo sad, I will never forget the day I met you at the shelter last September to bring home a new foster. Very quickly we came across Tessie (now Abby)a tiny 16 week little brown tabby. She had been there 4 weeks and had been fighting a URI. She had been marked for Euthanasia the next day! Needless to say we took her from the cage, she snuggled into my neck and she has been my special girl ever since. We adopted Abby...I needeed to make sure she was loved and protected for the rest of her life. I kept her shelter info sheet that had been marked with the HORRIBLE "X". It helps remind me how important it is to foster and stay involved with rescue. We can make a difference one cat at a time.

Thank you for sharing your video. It brings back the raw emotion of being at the shelter looking into the eyes of innocent animals that will die "just because". Heartwrenching:( I will be sharing this video.......

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that we got little Gumbi out of there as he was a little hissy baby at first but now he is just so sweet. So many faces I saw that were on our "hopeful" list to rescue, just not enough foster homes.........little Mikalya and Jesse James..........too sad.

Darling Magpie said...

These videos are really important if anything for those people who think they should allow their cats out because it's 'natural' to allow them out and get pregnant/get other cats pregnant. I hope everybody here sends it on to people they know.

Sharon said...

Beth, I'm posting a copy of your video to my facebook. Hopefully someone will se eit and have second thoughts about not having their animal altered.

Dana said...

Hi Beth,

I've also posted your video to my Facebook, and have already seen it shared 3 times. Hopefully seeing this will encourage people to be responsible pet owners and spay/neuter.

If it even saves one life....

River said...

Will repost this video. Very real.