Friday, March 15, 2013

Kitten Season? Almost...

I wonder if every blogger (who has been remiss in blogging) begins every post with "Where has the week gone?"  I'm rather embarrassed that I haven't been writing as much.  It isn't that I haven't been busy.  I've been insanely busy! 

Every year I declare "kitten season" when unwanted kittens start pouring into the shelters.  Sure, kittens are showing up on Craigslist and other online classifieds, but they're finding homes.  It's when litters are being born and the surplus of available homes fills up  - that's "Kitten Season" to me.   I hate those online classified ads.  It's 'first come, first serve' - ' pick up yer kitten today!'   They don't care who takes them.

We've taken  in quite a few surgical cases lately.  We have two cats (unrelated) that need major eye surgery and a couple  of kittens whose hind legs don't work properly.  This morning, I'm picking up one of our kittens who appears to have been "smooshed" and his rib cage is  either caved in or non-existent.  Poor little guy.  I'm interested in hearing what the vet says. 

As kitten seasons approaches, (or as some think "it's already here!") I need to stockpile a little bit of cash from any donations that might in just to make sure I have enough to get through to October.  Kittens are expensive!   It's not the freaky surgical problems, but just dealing with a kitten's bad case of diarrhea can really create a big dent in the rescue's budget.

Speaking of "budget", David and I have been car shopping again.  Right now, our primary car is an SUV.  No thanks to David's retirement, he's been documenting our gas consumption for the rescue and has determined we spend $250.00 PER WEEK on gas just transporting cats!  Holy shit, that was a sobering number.  David looks at me with "tsk tsk" in his eyes and then with horror when he realizes that we're over the kilometers on our lease.  We also have an ancient Ford that David used as commuter car, but it's so unreliable and I won't drive it because it smells like vomit.  (Don't ask me why.) 

Soooooooo.....we're parking the SUV for a while, and buying something "gas efficient" and "inexpensive" - three words that don't resonate well with me.  David is trying to get me to muster some enthusiasm for a new car, but I'm trying to figure out how many cat carriers I can get into these economical cars.  My old sports car used to get 21 cats in carriers in it, so my argument against a small economical car isn't working. 

Fortunately, kittens are small and this is a ridiculous "First World" problem.  I think I can cope ;)


Tina said...

Hey Beth our rescue recently had kittens with chronic diarrhea. After several vet appts. one of the foster moms tried feeding them Purina Naturals and it cleared up. Shortly after, I rescued a kitten and was feeding him high quality food. Then here came the diarrhea. I knew it was the food b/c the first few days his poops were perfectly fine. Anyway, had his stool checked again and no issues. So I tried the Purina Naturals and it cleared up. Just wanted to give you that nugget of info from our experience to keep in your back pocket :-) It certainly saved my sanity!

Debbie said...

Getting a new car/SUV should be exciting
Jess drives a Escape, great on gas and lots of room for cat carries.
Best of both worlds
Does kitten season really end? I think it just slows right down, there are always kittens all year long.......

Random Felines said...

yep - it has started here too.

had to laugh about the car - I drive a Beetle. No WAY would 21 carriers fit in that...... LOL Though I have done a cat carrier and two bloodhounds. :) Fingers crossed for the baby with the rib issue. And maybe just maybe for a peaceful kitten season

Sparkle said...

My human's boyfriend has an Chevy HHR (he is a musician). It is a smaller SUV and gets pretty good gas mileage! They aren't the most glamorous cars in the world but they have character - and you can fit lots of cats in them! They stopped making them recently but I bet you can find a great one from the last year they made them - 2011, I believe.

raven said...

Get a diesel, I have a VW Jetta and it's really roomy and fuel efficient. Believe it or not but I can get 1000 km per tank, YES I tested it.

I will never buy another gas guzzler again.

Caroline said...

Glad you are back, that Purina Naturals sug. looks good. I have 5 foster babies and a foster Mom right now, they are 1-2 weeks old, I feel like it's been at least 2 weeks but everyone else tells, me it's only been 1! Cause I'm living with them, it feels longer! Can you put the gas receipts through as a rescue expense? I know a rescue that can expense it by mileage, although you still have to pay for it upfront. I think smart car with designs called the "Cat Mobile" would be cute but not practical for space.

Cat said...

Hey Beth, I drive a hybrid Lexus CT. This car runs on a sniff of REGULAR gas and it is reasonably priced. It's also a hatch back and could probably fit a fair number of cat carriers in the back. Seriously the gas mileage is insane and with all the driving you do it may be worth a look :-)

Unknown said...

LOL at the “ridiculous 'First World' problem”! But hey, aiming to find the one car that would address both your needs and wants isn’t spoiling you now, is it? I believe it’s the smart move to make when purchasing a car. And since you’re looking for cheap, gas efficient cars, why don’t you try station wagons? They are reviewed gas efficient and cheap and have ample space for your beloved kittens. I hope this helps.
Prince Moss