Monday, March 03, 2014

"Pablo" and "Jolly Roger"

I have a new foster kitten named "Pablo".  He's about 5 months old - and NO, he's not a brown tabby!  Pablo is an orange and white kitten and is just now feeling better about coming downstairs to explore his environment.  I don't know what it is, but Pablo might be one of those adorable guys that just takes a crappy picture:

He's seriously cute, but appears to look demonic in every picture.  LOL!  :)

Shelley (my rescue partner) and I were notified about a cat in need after it was discovered that tenants moved out and left the cat in an empty apartment.   God, that makes me feel so hateful  to hear that scumbags moved away and left their cat.  What did the poor cat think when he saw the only family he had ever known ... leave.

This particular cat was left with no food, no water and an infected eye.  When we got to the apartment, workers were there painting.  They had given the poor cat some food and water.  They really cared about this him and had named him "Jolly Roger".

I was so pissed when I saw the collar on this poor cat.  They wouldn't treat the horrific infection in his eye, but they bought him a collar?  Bastards.

I hope he doesn't need his eye removed.  The rescue has had some really expensive cats lately.  But we'll do what we have to do.


Caroline said...

My what a floofy tail you have, Jolly Roger!

Random Felines said...

glad the newest additions are safe and loved (now)

Smartypants said...

Oh Jolly Roger... that tail! I love him. It sickens me that people leave cats in empty apartments. I just cant fathom the thought process...?!!!!

Anonymous said...

I "aww"'d out loud at the picture of the orange and white kitten, so his pictures aren't that bad. :)