Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Holding Tight

It's been "one of those days".  It started out just fine - a rescue, a vet appointment, and moving newly rescued cats into foster homes.  As I type this at 9 pm, I'm grateful that David has a Bridge game tonight and isn't here to see the ugly frown on my face. 

Two months ago, I had promised an elderly lady that I would help her get her cat spayed and bring the kittens into our program once they were 8 weeks old.  I hadn't forgotten my promise, so when the lady called me, David and I drove the 45 minutes to her house to pick up the 6 kittens. 

I could smell the stench of the house from her front yard.  The front door was completely blocked with debris and we entered the side door.  I can't describe it.  If you've seen the program "Hoarders", you'll get the idea.  The kittens seemed healthy, but lacked any socialization.  From the look of the place, I thought that the kittens would have goopy eyes, ear mites and fleas....but they were totally fine.  When I asked the lady about the number of cats in the house, she didn't know - "Maybe 15?" 

How am I supposed to help this person?  It's a rhetorical question, I guess. I know what to do.  I'm just  tired of people not helping themselves! She couldn't even drive the kittens to meet me part way! 

The lower adoption rate this month has seemed to accentuate other issues and problems.  I've missed the 'adoption high" that I get seeing a cat or kitten going to their new home.  Instead, I've been bombarded with veterinary problems, bank reconciliation challenges, and just a big ol' CRAP-FEST in my direction.  

My two foster kittens have eye infections that I can't seem to clear up.  Poor little guys are just getting bigger in my house and I need to get a solution to this eye problem.  Is it bacterial?  Viral?  Why haven't  the past 6 medications worked? 

Sooooo....this has just been a nice little whiny rant tonight.  I'm actually fine and feeling better now as I type this.   David is playing Bridge all weekend, so I'm hopeful for some quality shopping time at the local Mall and some better adoptions coming up. 

As usual, I'm holding tight and waiting for the good part to  come.  It always does!



Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,
I understand your frustration with this one. As a relative of a hoarder, perhaps I can offer a slightly different view point. It is amazing you got any cats out at all. Hoarders do not let go of anything, even if it appears to be garbage to you or me. They won't leave their homes to go anywhere, or at least not somewhere that isn't completely familiar. I don't condone this behaviour. On the contrary, I've been trying everything I can think of to change or help her circumstances without starting the next civil war.

Thank goodness those kittens will have a wonderful chance at life now.

Robin Sarafinchan said...

I totally emphasize, I just spoke to a woman yesterday who wants to give up 2 kittens and get this the mother cat is 12 years old, she doesn't even know how many litters she has had and she also has a 3 year old cat who has never been able to use her back legs but has never seen a vet. I just want to pull the covers over me, I know all of us who do rescue run into these situations way to frequently. Thanks as always for helping the cats.

Anonymous said...

Beth, if the lady is "elderly", alone, and hoarding, she may need a visit from social services. Calling 311 might give you a number to call in a "tip".

Random Felines said...

at least the kittens are safe. you can't fix everyone - we all just muddle on some days doing the best we can....

Strayer said...

You can't fix people. Too bad you can't, literally fix them too sometimes! Kick back, have a glass of wine, some chocolate, laugh hysterically. You're doing good work there. I swear here where I live there's a hoarder on every block. I generally end up wading through the trash to grab the cats, listen to their rants, smile, and leave, burning clothing later in a big bonfire. You can't fix the people but you might get the cats out of there. Hoarders should not affect others with their behavior, not kids and not animals.

BeckyH said...

I've had some kitties with eye problems lately. My vet suggested it might be due to allergies. Itchy eye, cat rubs it.....