Monday, March 26, 2012

Juggling and More Juggling

This was a ridiculous week to consider putting my house up for sale, buying another house, putting new carpet in the basement, windows washed, house staged, running a rescue AND leaving for California for 4 days to visit my daughter.

But I'm doing it anyway.

As a rescuer, I've become a "master juggler" over the years.  I've got more things up in the air than I care to mention.  I reach out to our volunteer base with the subject line that says "HEEELP!" :)  (Don't worry FHCR volunteers, you're getting that email shortly!) 

I remember when my kids were little, I was able to feed a baby, vacuum the house, talk on the phone and take away a pair of scissors from an ornery toddler in a single moment.  I guess cat rescue is very similar.  There's always a million things going on at the same time. 

After SEVENTEEN adoptions this weekend, we were back to the shelter today!  I had planned on rescuing more than 1 cat, but the realization that  the rescue has to be out of one Petsmart store on Saturday and I'm out of town for most of the week, suddenly left me with far too many balls in the air to juggle.  So I took a happy little tabby/white teenagery fella who looked like he needed a break.

I'm a little overwhelmed tonight (if you hadn't noticed!).  Thank heavens it's not a "bad kind of overwhelmed."  I've got a lot of exciting things going on in my life and an awesome man in which to share it all!   I'm not sure where I'm finding the time this afternoon to write in my blog, but it really helps me clear my head. 

Would love to take a 30 minute nap, but there's no time...


Caroline said...

so if the house is staged then where did the cat trees go??

Amanda said...

I am assumin it is Luke you took. I love him, he is such a cutie!!

Debbie said...

Enjoy wedding planning with your daughter!
When you get home I would like another foster PLEASE!!!!
Have fun :)