Tuesday, September 07, 2010

How Could Anyone...?

I received an urgent message along with some pictures of the cats in the rural shelter where I've been rescuing. Fortunately, some have been rescued, but there are others that desperately need help.

The following two pictures are of cats that are "owner surrenders". How could anyone with a beating heart leave them in that horrible place?


This little white girl is 7 years old and spayed. I don't know why her family abandoned her in this sh*t hole, but there she sits in her litterbox wondering if her family will ever come back for her. She's very friendly.


This is Willow. She's 15 years old (not a typo), and was abandoned by her family there. She's terribly depressed and wants to go home. She's been spayed and is very friendly. How could ANYONE abandoned a 15 year old cat in a place like that???

Does anyone have a home for Willow?

My heart is breaking for these two cats. We have a volunteer driver going out to the shelter tomorrow (Wednesday). If you can help them, please email me right away.

They don't have much time left. Please help.


AFSS said...

Oh God I am so sorry for these poor cats. They both deserve so much better. I hope someone can help them.

Cat said...

Just makes you want to weep!

Anonymous said...

I do not have a home to offer, but I am willing to donate money if funds are necessary to transport them to a safe foster home.

Sparkle said...

That is just WRONG. How could anyone abandon their cat in that place? How awful for them!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

You know, first I was angry then I started thinking about the home my neighbor is in. There are people that have, just like these cats, been 'abandoned'. Yes, they're cared for a little better than these cats, but really, how can we expect better for them when people find nothing wrong with dumping their elderly relatives. I've been making a point of visiting some of her fellow inmates (it's a good term for them) who get no visitors. I don't understand either of these behaviors, how can anyone abandon a pet or a relative...it just makes me angry.~Donna

lease said...

do you know if willow gets along with dogs and other cats?

House of the Discarded said...

Lease: We don't know, but she does seem pretty mellow around the other cats at the shelter. Poor little baby :(

Deb said...

You are so good to publish this urgent request. I hope someone can help you with these two. I can't say on a blog what I would like to do to anyone who abandons a 15 year old cat at a dump like that. Good luck. Hugs, Deb